Air-raid Shelter

After Taiwan was handed over to the National Government, in 1950, the “Regulations for Reconstructing Existing Air-Raid Shelters and Trenches in Taiwan Province” was announced, and construction of air-raid shelters ensued. As a result, air-raid shelters are seen in several military dependents’ villages. This air-raid shelter was constructed with cement, with mud and dry grass pasted outside the wall as camouflage, resulting in a 40-cm-thick wall. After the space was repurposed as a private residence, it was compartmentalized into spaces including a living room, dining area, and lounge. The building is said to be warm in winter and cool in summer. The space of the building expanded as more members joined the family, and as a result, the building has become hidden amid ordinary residences; however, the unique building still attracted curious neighbors to its unique design.